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4 Tips When Moving with Pets

4 Tips When Moving with Pets

Pets are like small children- they need time and attention to be the best they can be. When moving to a new place like J’Den, here are four tips you can follow so they won’t get overly stressed or anxious.

Get a Crate or Cage If You Don’t Have One

Ideally, you’ll need something that can keep your pets safe and contained during the busiest part of the moving process. A crate or cage is the perfect device for this as it won’t be lost or damage any of your things. However, keep in mind that this is only temporary and you should still address their basic needs and comforts.

No Large Meals Before Moving

Prevent accidents and having to deal with poop or vomit while moving to a new place or location by not giving your pet a large meal. The day before the move, lower the portion, and again on the day of the move. If you can do the same with water, do it but keep track of their hydration levels by being aware of the signs.

Have a Favorite Toy or Snack With You

Your pet might need a source of comfort and familiarity every now and then, which is why we’d recommend having their favorite snack or toy with you at all times. On long journeys, it’s best to keep your pet occupied with the toy. Or, if you have a family member, let them keep the pet company while in transition.

Let Them Exercise or Walk Regularly

Regular physical exercise keeps pets calm and relaxed, which is something you’d want in a stressful event like moving. Once you’ve arrived at your J’Den condo, make it a point to map a walking route and take them there the next day. As an added bonus, you get to see the sights and nearby places of interest in your new location.