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5 Tech Tips for Communicating Professionally

5 Tech Tips for Communicating Professionally

These days, remote and hybrid work setups are the norm for many people. In these working arrangements, most communication between coworkers happens online, whether it be through video chat, email, or a messaging app like Slack. As an employee, you can make use of this technology to improve your professional communication skills. Here are fivetech tips for communicating professionally.

1. Perfect your video call setup.

When working remotely, video calls will take the place of in-person meetings. Having a reliable video setup can help you feel more comfortable on camera. It also makes it easier to jump into a video call whenever you need to. You won’t have to struggle to set up your camera or microphone every time you have a meeting.

Start by finding an area with nice lighting. You can sit near a window for some soft natural light or use a small ring light. The area you choose should also be quiet and have a clean background that won’t be distracting. If you can’t find a good background in your house, many apps like Zoom and Google Meet have virtual background options. This will allow you to blur your background or use an image instead. Finally, make sure your fellow meeting attendees can hear you. If your computer’s microphone isn’t powerful enough, you may need to invest in a separate microphone for more clarity.

2. Use screenshots and videos as visual aids.

When you’re working online, there are times when you might need to communicate digital concepts to your coworkers. For example, you might need to give your coworkers step-by-step instructions on how to use a specific software program. These concepts can be difficult to communicate verbally. Creating and sharing visual aids is often an easier way to get the point across.

You can use a screenshot app to take and edit images of your screen. This makes it easy to add these images to presentations or just send them in emails. When a still image isn’t enough to get the point across, consider making a short video instead. With screen recording apps, you can automatically record your screen and add audio as you demonstrate key concepts. Then, you can send the recording to coworkers for easy communication.

3. Know when a meeting can be an email.

One of the biggest challenges of working remotely is that it’s harder to chat casually with your coworkers. Since they’re not physically in the same office, you don’t have the opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other throughout the day. Many people try to remedy this by keeping a full schedule of meetings throughout the day. While some meetings are necessary, too many can be disruptive.

Many remote teams work different hours, so a morning meeting for you could be in the middle of dinnertime for someone else. Additionally, too many meetings can leave you with very little time to finish important tasks. When setting up a meeting, stop and think about whether there’s a more efficient way to communicate your point.

In some cases, you may find that you can communicate just as effectively with an email or Slack message. If you do need to schedule a meeting, let the other party know exactly why you’re scheduling it and how long it will take, so they can plan their schedule. Sending out an agenda before the meeting lets everyone prepare, so the meeting can be as productive as possible.

4. Stay on top of your calendar.

Having a well-organized calendar is key when you’re working remotely. Not only does it help you stay organized, but it also tells your coworkers exactly what you’re working on. Digital calendar tools make it easy to organize your entire team’s schedule in one place. Use your calendar to log upcoming meetings, project deadlines, and other important events.

Using a digital calendar tool will help your team avoid miscommunication and stay on track with your goals. Digital calendars also integrate with a variety of other apps, including project management tools. This makes it easy to visualize your upcoming projects at a glance. Be sure to keep your calendar updated each day to prevent any confusion.

5. Use messaging apps for ongoing chats.

Messaging apps like Slack and Teams are very effective ways to stay in communication with your coworkers throughout the day. Emailing back and forth can quickly lead to a clogged inbox. Save email for more formal communications and use messaging apps for daily chats. This is also a great way to get to know your coworkers in a less formal environment.

When using these messaging apps, keep your chats organized to avoid confusion. You can have group chats for your entire team or even your entire company. You can also have one-on-one chats with individual coworkers. This ensures that individual conversations don’t get distracting for others around you.

Final Thoughts

Communicating professionally is paramount when working online. The shift to remote work has resulted in new norms for communicating with coworkers and clients. Luckily, tech tools make it easy to keep your digital communications organized. Video chat, screen recordings, and real-time messaging make it easy to stay in touch, no matter where you’re working from.