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Waste Heat Recovery System Applications

Waste Heat Recovery System Applications

Heat recovery systems can be used in homes, businesses and industries to collect heat byproducts and turn it into usable energy.

Almost all the actions we take generate heat, from cooking to working in the office, exercising and turning on the HVAC. An Abgaswärmetauscher can act as the engine to turn heat into a resource we can use.

Some of its applications include the following:

Water Heating

Any heat exchanging platform, including a Plattenwärmetauscher can forego the need for a water heater in homes and businesses alike. Essentially, the heat that’s collected can be put back to use for washing, cooking and instances where an individual or group need heat for daily operation.

Space Heating

In the same vein as water heating, an efficient heat recovery system can store heat and direct it towards a space that needs it, e.g., in living rooms, farms or livelihood centers. Installation is fairly easy, but the benefits of a heated space, especially during colder months and seasons are well worth the trouble.

Ventilation Purposes

Excess heat can be turned into useful ventilation with the use of an exchange system, like a Rohrbündelwärmetauscher. When ventilation is needed for a variety of reasons, e.g., living spaces, industrial and to circulate air, an efficient system can save you the added electrical costs.

Energy Efficiency

Homes, offices and factories are becoming more energy efficient through various methods, equipment and technology. Some of the more common energy-efficient devices are solar panels, smart systems and heat recovery systems.

If you’re looking to maximize every inch of space in your household, a heat exchanger system should fit in well. Every day, we generate heat that just escapes through vents, windows and openings.

Lower energy consumption, alleviated by a heat recovery system can save you money in bills even when you’re generating the same output. It’s one of the best technologies you shouldn’t ignore.